2011 CBETA 新年公告

中華電子佛典協會   2011 CBETA 新年公告    引用於: http://www.cbeta.org/news/20110101.htm


2011 CBETA 新年公告


  經過多年前置作業及過去一年密集努力,CBETA 即將呈現的最新成果為「歷代藏經補輯」。除舊有的內容外,新增的「歷代藏經補輯」預計有 101 1023 卷,收錄自各藏的典籍數量列表如下:

房山石經: 27 77                    

永樂北藏: 13 232

趙城金藏: 12 129

高麗藏: 6 77

宋藏遺珍: 2 3

洪武南藏: 2 21

乾隆藏: 21 287

卍正藏: 1 5

佛教大藏經: 6 6

中華藏: 11 186

 以上這些取自歷代大藏經的稀有典籍將會儘可能的加入明年四月發行之「CBETA電子佛典集成 Version 2011」。當中諸如《玄應音義》、《可洪音義》、《御注金剛經》、《高麗國新雕大藏校正別錄》、《釋教最上乘秘密藏陀羅尼集》等要典的作業難度相當高, 所幸在諸方有緣的協助下,我們都一一予以克服了。

  展望未來,繼 2009 年與中研院史語所合作《北朝佛教石刻拓片百品》後,我們接著跟國家圖書館合作進行「台灣善本古籍數位化之研究與建構以國家圖書館善本佛典為主」計劃。這 項新的合作案,為期兩年,目標是針對國家圖書館所珍藏的善本佛典(2302 12490 卷)進行數位升級,包括微卷轉製圖檔、電子全文、網路連結等等。希望這些努力可以讓國家圖書館特藏廣為大眾所應用,同時也能增益「CBETA電子佛典集 成」的內容及內涵。


  此外,有兩項應用發展可能會在 2011 年跟大家見面,一是以 JAVA 程式撰寫的「跨平台及網路版 CBReader」,一是配合智慧型手持裝置所發展的「ePub 格式電子佛典」。前者,可以讓各種作業系統的使用者直接透過網路來執行 CBReader 的所有功能;後者,將所有 CBETA 佛典轉成 ePub 電子書,以方便更多的人使用隨身工具如手機等來親近佛法。

  12 年來,各界對 CBETA 的支持鼓勵是電子佛典得以成長的重要關鍵。希望一切順利,希望 CBETA 在未來可以帶給大家更多及更好的電子佛典成果。



釋惠敏 敬上




Jan. 1, 2011

Dear Dharma friends,

After the past few years' preparation and last year's intensive work, CBETA is honored to present its recent accomplishment, the addition of the Addendum from Other Tripiakas ( 歷代藏經補輯 ), a collection of nearly 101 texts (1023 juan), in the Chinese Electronic Tripiaka Collection Version 2011, to its previous version. The added collection includes scriptures from such significant canons as Fangshan shijing ( 房山石經 ), Tripiaka Koreana ( 高麗大藏經 ), Northern Yongle Edition of the Canon ( 永樂北藏 ), Qianlong Edition of the Canon ( 乾隆大藏經 ), and others.

CBETA will take up a two-year project, the Study and Creation of Chinese Treasured Rare Books of Buddhist Tripiaka, Taipei Edition, in cooperation with the National Central Library (NCL). This project aims to further digitize 2302 texts (12490 juan) of Buddhist Tripiaka treasured in the NCL including but not limited to microfilm-to-image conversion, full text digitization, and hyper linking solutions.

Two implementations are also expected to launch in 2011: the cross-platform CBReader, Web version, written in JAVA, and the ePub Chinese Electronic Tripiaka Collection. The cross-platform Web CBReader will allow users of different computer systems to access the full functions of CBReader on the Net; the ePub Electronic Tripiaka serves as e-books for users of hand-held devices, including smartphones, to get to learn Buddhism as conveniently as it can be.

Please accept our sincerest gratitude for the support and encouragement you have extended over the years. Your valuable comments and feedback are deeply appreciated!

Yours in the Dharma,


Huimin Bhikshu

Doctor of Letter, University of Tokyo

Director, Chinese Buddhist Electronic Text Association (CBETA)

President, Dharma Drum Buddhist College (DDBC)

Professor, Taipei National University of the Arts (TNUA)


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